


The Art Gallery for English – Universe Part 1

I think that you combine English vocabulary and art in the style of famous artists to make learning English words more enjoyable and effective. This article features a unique art and introduces related English words and sentences about universe. Don't miss out on this fun and educational opportunity to improve your English skills!


USBORNEから販売されている知識学習本『100 Things to know』シリーズで楽しく英語を学ぼう!児童向け本で科学や歴史、環境など様々な分野の知識が身につきます。効果的な学習方法とコツを紹介



The Art Gallery for English – Vegetables Part 2

I think that you combine English vocabulary and art in the style of famous artists to make learning English words more enjoyable and effective. This article features a unique art and introduces related English words and sentences about Vegetables. Don't miss out on this fun and educational opportunity to improve your English skills!

The Art Gallery for English – Animals Part 3

I think that you combine English vocabulary and art in the style of famous artists to make learning English words more enjoyable and effective. This article features a unique art and introduces related English words and sentences about Animals. Don't miss out on this fun and educational opportunity to improve your English skills!

【誰でもできる!】偉人たちの生活習慣をマネして賢く生きよう! Part2


The Art Gallery for English – Insects Part 1

I think that you combine English vocabulary and art in the style of famous artists to make learning English words more enjoyable and effective. This article features a unique art and introduces related English words and sentences about insects. Don't miss out on this fun and educational opportunity to improve your English skills!



The Art Gallery for English – Vegetables Part 1

I think that you combine English vocabulary and art in the style of famous artists to make learning English words more enjoyable and effective. This article features a unique art and introduces related English words and sentences about vegetables. Don't miss out on this fun and educational opportunity to improve your English skills!